
Friday 13 April 2012

Relaxed Style

I want my home to look good fabulous, but I also want it to be an inviting place for family and friends, somewhere they can relax and have fun. When I came across this home of Mark and Louella Tuckey on Mark's website recently, I instantly loved it. The beachfront home situated on Sydney's Northern Beaches is relaxed and natural, yet super cool, and features some beautiful furniture and artwork. It's not surprising really, as Mark is a furniture designer & manufacturer, and Louella is a stylist and interior designer - a dream combination!

When I make my millions, high on my wish list is a piece of artwork by Rachel Castle and David Bromley, both of which the Tuckey's own. And of course, my most favourite artist, Miranda Skoczek.


  1. Isn't it amazing!!!
    This was my favourite issue at the time......
    Tania @ Scandi Coast Home

  2.'s one of my all time favourites too! I read it in a cafe in Perth at Christmas time and went straight from there to the newsagent to buy the magazine which sits on my bedside table for me to peruse from time to time. Sad, I know! Okay, so its location and view is extraordinary but there is something very special about the 'feel' of their home isn't there? Have a lovely weekend Vic. Annie x.

  3. Oh wow, what a beautiful home! Love everything about it, when can I move in?! ;) xo K

  4. I've gone a little beach-crazy this week so of course I am swooning over here! What I would give to have a deck area like that!

  5. This has such a laid back feel- definitely inviting. Love the yellow Acapulco chair too.

  6. beautiful! especially trhe outdoors and the Bubble chair. Happy new week


It's lovely to hear from you. Thanks for your comment. Best wishes, Vic xxx