
Tuesday 29 January 2013

Nate Berkus

That Oprah Winfrey!... she's pretty awesome! It's been a long time since I've watched daytime TV, but I remember 10 years ago seeing this lovely (and really cute) guy designing these great rooms on her show. Oprah introduced Nate Berkus to the world back in 2002, and he became the design expert for the show - the perfect platform to launch the talented interior designer's amazing career. He's since featured in countless top magazines, hosted his own TV talk show, has his own line of home products, published two books, and even had the role of executive producer on the film, The Help. His firm, Nate Berkus Associates, based in Chicago, continues to design interiors across the country and around the world.

I had to use this photo from Apartment Therapy - you know I love pod chairs!

I can't believe I haven't featured him sooner on the blog, I love his style. Lots of beautiful furniture pieces, layers of texture and interesting treasures, a mix of new and vintage, and personality plus! This first dining room is my favourite - divine dining!


  1. Ah, the power of Oprah Winfrey! My eye was immediately drawn to those green chairs featured in the second picture, they are so unusual and beautiful. I'm also loving those brushed steel kitchen cabinets...

  2. Im a big Nate fan too Vic! He has such great style :)

    Abbey x

  3. Nate is super duper cute for sure, I used to love watching his makeovers on Oprah. Did you know he lost his partner when they were both in the Tsunami in Thailand, very sad.

    I remember seeing recently on "Million Dollar Makeover" program a closet built for Nates house. It was the most incredible closet I've ever seen.

    I especially love the eclectic mix of image 6.

  4. I think I heard on the radio that Oprah turned 59 today! I remember Nate from her show - he is super talented (and super cute) and that first dining image is incredible, especially those chairs! x


It's lovely to hear from you. Thanks for your comment. Best wishes, Vic xxx