Monday 5 January 2015

Coming Home

Happy New Year to you all, I hope 2105 is off to a ripper start. I have had a fabulous few weeks with my family, away from my computer, and am now feeling refreshed and ready for an exciting year. I will be easing my way back into blogging as I still have three boisterous kids demanding my attention, but aim to bring you two to three blogs a week this January.

We had an amazing Christmas and New Year at our family lake house, but there's nothing quite like coming home. My home is my sanctuary, as I'm sure yours is too. I believe that whether you work from home, or are coming home after a long day (or holiday), you want your home to be a beautiful, clutter-free space. Somewhere you can relax, feel at peace, and be happy. For me, it's the little details that turn a house into a home, so when I arrived home I grabbed my camera and snapped a bunch of shots of my home - little details that make me happy.

If 2015 is the year for you to make changes in your home, Dael & I - Bibby + Brady - would love to help. We will be taking on new projects February onwards, but get in touch anytime and we can book you in.


  1. Lovely details Vic! Your home does indeed look like a sanctuary. Happy New Year to you!

  2. Awesome stylish nooks where is the surf artwork form???

    1. Thanks Roome. The surf artwork is from ixxi, you can see my blog post about it here -

  3. Happy New Year and welcome home. I love your house, it truly depicts your style and the little touches as you say make a home special and unique to the owner. Lovely images.

    1. Thanks Lee, that's so lovely of you to say. Happy 2015 to you too x


It's lovely to hear from you. Thanks for your comment. Best wishes, Vic xxx

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