Tuesday 2 September 2014

Out Door Spaces | Three Ways

I'm a Spring and Autumn girl, so I'm so happy that Spring has finally arrived after what seems to have been a long winter. Recently I've been braving my favourite outdoor seat with my cup of tea, in my jacket and ugg boots. But now I look forward to lots of relaxing times spent alfresco with my family and friends (without my slippers!). Here are three outdoor spaces that I adore, which is your favourite?

1 | 2 | 3


  1. I do the same, Vic! Just trying to lap up any sunshine that comes my way. I made a spring picnic on Sunday, and set up a picnic out on the front porch which I MADE my family attend - to celebrate the end of winter, and START OF SPRING. They did it to humour me, but as as it started raining halfway through the first course, they couldn't shove the food in fast enough to then be allowed back inside!! I tried. Has been a long dark winter. Bring on the sunshine. x

    1. How funny Rachel :) I bet your picnics are amazing with your gorgeous gardens. Enjoy the Spring, although it's very wet in Hawke's Bay at the moment, so still feels quite wintery. x


It's lovely to hear from you. Thanks for your comment. Best wishes, Vic xxx

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