Sunday 14 August 2011

Sweet Sofas

While flipping through some magazines this weekend I kept coming across one after another incredible sofa, so I have included them all for you to see, plus a couple of my own personal favourites...

Jimmy Possum Jaakko Modular Sofa

Pierantonio Bonacina Muffin Sofa

Cappellini Three Sofa Deluxe

Fritz Hansen Embrace Sofa

Moooi Bottoni Sofa

Karmelina Martina's Miss Sarajevo Sofa

Vitra Polder Sofa - love it, also a leather version at Cite

Roche Bobois Mah Jong Modular Sofa - gorgeous!


  1. I was so excited to see the Jimmy Possum sofa on your blog! Isn't it beautiful. I'm starting work with Jimmy Possum tomorrow in their new Canberra store and can't wait to be surrounded by amazing, colourful furniture every day. Love your style!

  2. Hi Jiah, I have just checked out your blog and become your latest follower. It's lovely to meet a fellow lover of textile and colour. Lucky thing being surrounded by fab furniture - best of luck in your new job. xxx

  3. I really love the Hayon for Fritz Hansen. The shape and all of the colors it comes in, reminds me of a tulip.


It's lovely to hear from you. Thanks for your comment. Best wishes, Vic xxx

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