Tuesday 11 October 2011

Live Colour Fully

Live colour fully - this is definitely something I live by, and also one of Kate Spade's 2011 campaigns. I know I'm a bit late, as this has been running for some time, and I've seen a lot of the images starring Bryce Dallas Howard when whizzing around the net. But I just love the concept and wanted to share it with those who hadn't heard about it. The idea is that Kate Spade will have a colour each month that they will build a collection around. 

Bryce Dallas Howard (you may recognise her as Victoria off the Twilight movies) is lucky enough to become the face of the Kate Spade "Live Colour Fully" campaign

Launch invitations by graphic designer Katie Evans

Love the floor at Kate Spade - something you could try yourself with vinyl floor tape

All these products can be found at the Kate Spade online shop

1 comment :

  1. I love these photos too Vic! How fabulous is Kate Spade?!

    Abbey x


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