Wednesday 2 November 2011

Blog Award

I have recently discovered, and started following a gorgeous blog called Wishful Thinking. Meghan is a South African living in London and engaged to her high school sweetheart.
Her blog is a diary of sorts offering a little glimpse into her life, and also to showcase all the amazing things she finds in the big wide world of web. 

Today Meghan was sweet enough to give me a fun blogger award. The award calls for me to share 7 things about myself, and then spread the love by awarding it to 10 other bloggers.
So here goes...

1.) Glass half full! I'm a bit of a 'Polly Anna', always trying to find a positive in every situation. I can't think of anything worse than going through life grumbling and complaining.

2.) I'm passionate (some may say obsessed) with colour & pattern. It just makes me happy!

3.) I love to run. Well, it's probably better described as jogging at a nice, leisurely pace.
I have to have hills on my run, I get bored on the flat (that's due to growing up in hilly Wellington). My favourite song to run to is off the Rocky soundtrack, "Eye of the Tiger" by Survivor - I picture Sly running up those steps and punching the air - so motivating!

4.) I'm a typical Libran - easygoing, idealistic & peaceable, but can be very indecisive.
I loathe cruelty, and also conflict, so do my best to cooperate and compromise with people. On the Chinese Calendar I am Year of the Dog, and my ideal partner is a Horse!

5.) I'm a real girly-girl, but two of my fav tv shows are quite hard-core - "Supernatural" and "Sons of Anarchy". I have to admit, the main attractions are Dean Winchester in SN, and Jax Teller in SoA ;D

6.) I like happy, easy-going people. My ideal evening spent with friends would be dining alfresco, champagne, music and laughter.

7.) One of the best parts of my day is sitting down with a cupper to catch up on my fav blogs. I never tire of them, and am constantly inspired. I love that I've made so many 'cyber' friends from all around the world through blogging.

Now I pass the award on to 10 other special bloggers, so they can repeat the process. xxx

• Abbey from Gild and Grace
• Santa from Homestilo (I know you got one from Meghan too - you're so popular!)
• Amy from Milo and Mitzy
• Laura from Kit & Nancy
• Marina from Iced Vo Vo's
• Rachelle from The Blue Room
• Christall from Maisy & Grace
• Sasha from One White Apron
• Melissah from Scrapbook

picture sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9


  1. Ooooh that's me in that list! Lovely insight, what a great idea. Nice to get to 'know' you :-) I definitely share your love for colour, pattern and tea!

  2. So nice to hear more about you; what lovely things you had to say. I also think an evening outdoors with good friends and Champagne is very fine! Thanks for thinking of me to join in....hopefully this week. Annie x.

  3. thanks lovely! it's so nice to learn a little more about your favourite bloggers! gorgeous pictures too. xx

  4. Ohh thank you! Dining alfresco is the best! Even better with some vino involved. And I also love Jax from Sons of Anarchy... tough but dreamy haha.I will follow this process as soon as I gather enough little things to include in my post. I must admit I just haven't had much time to blog lately or comment on others blogs - but I do still check them all out! x

  5. Thanks so much Vic! Very lovely of you :) how much we have in common!

    Abbey x

  6. It's always great to learn a bit more about bloggers! I laughed out loud at your 'Eye of the Tiger' running track, I am so going to try it!

  7. Thank you so much gorgeous girl! I also agree with you about the best time of the day is sitting down with a cuppa enjoying my fav blogs.

    Did I forget to mention I love that turquoise teacup print!
    Have a great week Vic.

  8. Thank you for thinking of me. These are some fun things to know about you! I have just moved that third image to my desk top and Pinned it- because I need all the motivation I can get ;-)

  9. Wow Thanks so much Vic! Very nice suprise to wake up to after a busy busy day yesterday. Just enjoying a cuppa whilst reading your blog now. Have a great day. A x

  10. Congratulations on the award - you deserve it. Thanks for thinking of me. I am really honoured. It always nice to read a bit more about a blogger.


It's lovely to hear from you. Thanks for your comment. Best wishes, Vic xxx

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