Tuesday 23 April 2013

Personality Plus

Fantastic Frank, a Swedish real estate company, is chocka block with amazing homes.
This one is typically Scandinavian with it's white on white colour scheme and beautiful floorboards. Little quirky touches throughout add lashings of personality, and just make me smile. A single balloon tied to the bathroom sink, a higgledy piggledy picture wall in the bedroom... But it's the ice cream artwork that takes the cake! How cool, I love that!



  1. I like that site too Vic! Always a dash of quirk. And the ice creams are very cool :)

    Abbey x

  2. Such a cool real estate site. That ice cream art is something else.. and I LOVE the bedroom! x

  3. Love this! It's these kind of quirky touches that would put a smile on my face every day.

  4. I too am loving the ice cream art work. And that gallery wall is one of the most creative ones I think I've seen!


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