Wednesday 18 May 2011

Pretty Patterns

When I was a kid I loved to draw, used to carry a sketch pad around with me, and draw all my toys. Every Christmas my Mum would buy me a huge Doodle Art poster, which would take me most of the holidays to colour - I loved them. When I saw this gorgeous colouring book by Beth Gunnell it reminded me of how much joy those colouring posters brought me. Now I have three young daughters, all very creative, so I'm going to need 3 copies of this book.


  1. thank you very much for the feature on your lovely blog! I hope your girls enjoy Pretty Patterns!

  2. you are so welcome Beth, and thank you for the gorgeous book, my girls will definitely love it. One of my friend's emailed me to say she'd bought a copy this afternoon after seeing it on my blog : )

  3. What a sophisticated colouring book! I used to love coloring books, and paper dolls (not to date myself...)


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