Friday, 29 June 2012

Weekend Reading

Just in time for the weekend, I'm updating a couple of my fantastic online magazines - Rue and Heart Home. As usual, they're both full of loveliness and inspiration. Below is a bit of a sneak peek into a couple of the homes featured. Enjoy your weekend.


  1. the green dress is amazing and so is the zebra unicorn haha you have now a new follower on GFC (:


  2. I am so looking forward to my Saturday breakfast in bed catching up on these lovely reads! Have a wonderful weekend Vic!

  3. Where has the time gone that these issues are out again already. But I'm not complaining, can't wait to go check them out. Have a lovely weekend Vic!

  4. How fab is the cover of the new rue?! Will have to check out heart home too :) have a great weekend Vic!

    Abbey x

  5. Beautiful post!!!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥


It's lovely to hear from you. Thanks for your comment. Best wishes, Vic xxx

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